Little Master Melville teaches little ones the language of the sea in BabyLit's Moby-Dick: An Ocean Primer. From ships and sailors to squawking gulls and moody good captains, Alison Oliver’s brilliant illustrations and Jennifer Adams’ clever, simple text will make a sea dog out of any young shipmate.
7" x 7"
20 pages
Full-color illustrations
Moby Dick (Board Book) Whale Book
Little Master Melville teaches little ones the language of the sea in BabyLit's Moby-Dick: An Ocean Primer. From ships and sailors to squawking gulls and moody good captains, Alison Oliver’s brilliant illustrations and Jennifer Adams’ clever, simple text will make a sea dog out of any young shipmate.
7" x 7"
20 pages
Full-color illustrations
Little Master Melville teaches little ones the language of the sea in BabyLit's Moby-Dick: An Ocean Primer. From ships and sailors to squawking gulls and moody good captains, Alison Oliver’s brilliant illustrations and Jennifer Adams’ clever, simple text will make a sea dog out of any young shipmate.
7" x 7"
20 pages
Full-color illustrations